Aged residential care sector profile

This report presents a profile of the aged residential care sector as it stands in late 2023, combining information drawn chiefly from two surveys – the October 2023 Aged Care Association member survey and the September 2023 Te Whatu Ora ARC provider quarterly reporting survey.

Where other data sources are used, these are cited in the report.

This volume continues a series of reports by the ACA that began in 2005. While there is discontinuity in the time series (no comprehensive member profiling surveys werecarried out in 2015 and 2016), the ACA member survey allows for long-term trend analysis.

This report marks the 14th time that ACA has carried out a comprehensive survey of its members, spanning a 16-year period.

Responses to the 2023 survey provide data on ARC facilities covering just over half of all ACA member beds and half of all beds provided by the sector.

Click here to view the report

Previous reports:

2021-22 Aged residential care industry profile | View here

2019-20 Aged residential care industry profile | View here

2017-18 Aged residential care industry profile |  View here

For older reports, or more information, please contact