
Media Releases

Government Housing Strategy must include seniors

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In Minister Bishop’s speech announcing future development and growth requirements for councils, he articulated his belief that a well-functioning housing market that delivers thriving cities, growing productivity, and super-charged industry will create a future that is bright for everyone. At the Aged Care Association, we want to ensure that the Government, both local and central, ensures that the future they envision creating is just as bright for New Zealand seniors.

Last year, the Retirement Commission reported a doubling of the number of retirees who will be forced to rent over the next 25 years. The 2023 review identified that 20 percent of those aged over 65 do not own their own homes. This figure is expected to jump to 40 percent, or 600,000 people, within the next 24 years.

“We would like to see some thought put into ‘circular house planning,’” said Aged Care Association CE, Tracey Martin. “What we mean by that is when councils are zoning for and consenting these new apartments proposed by the Minister, let’s ensure they can deliver for young couples just starting out on their lives together, starting their family; perhaps before they move into their next more spacious property. But these dwellings also need to acknowledge that one day those young, vibrant couples will also be aged and could need to return to a low maintenance, public-transport-accessible living place. As a country, let’s be smart about this and ensure that these smaller-sized homes are accessible for all, with wider doorways, wet rooms, and no steps – to name just a few design points.

“We also need local government and councils to ensure that their 30-year growth plans include development land earmarked for aged residential care,” said Ms. Martin. “This must include lifestyle provision for all sections of our society. Not all seniors can, will, or want to buy into a large, well-appointed retirement village. Not-for-profit and charitable village, rest home, and residential care facilities must be included in 30-year development and growth planning.”

Over the next 30 years, Aotearoa New Zealand’s population of seniors will grow from around 850,000 (17 percent of the population) to around 1.5 million (24 percent of the population), so any failure to plan for these New Zealanders when considering housing and health care delivery would be an unforgivable omission.

ACA appoints Hon. Tracey Martin as new chief executive

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The Aged Care Association is delighted to announce the appointment of Hon. Tracey Martin as chief executive. Ms Martin served as the Minister for Seniors between 2017 and 2020, and has also held the offices of Minister for Children, Minister of Internal Affairs and Associate Minister of Education. Leaving her roles as chair of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and Board Member at NZ Transport Agency – Waka Kotahi, Tracey will be starting in her new position on 6 May 2024.

“I am excited to be joining the small but highly energised team at the Association and am looking forward to building off the excellent work done to date in advocating for the strong and well-supported care sector our more senior New Zealanders deserve,” says Tracey.

“There are some critical conversations underway that have the potential to both positively and negatively impact the future of residential care for those who need this sector’s support and services. It is my goal to engage with ACA members to ensure that their needs and the needs of the residents they care for, are accurately reflected in these conversations.”

“We are pleased to welcome Ms Martin to the Aged Care Association at such a pivotal time for aged residential care in New Zealand. Her rich knowledge and understanding of the sector, coupled with her previous experience as a minister and strong networks within government agencies will be invaluable,” says ACA chair Simon O’Dowd.

“Tracey Martin’s appointment reflects the Association’s commitment to advocating for better policies to support our members provide quality care for the elderly across Aotearoa. We are grateful to have someone of her calibre to lead us in these efforts,” he said.

New Zealand’s elders need fit-for-purpose aged care – now and into the future

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The Sapere report on the state of the aged care affirms what the government has known for at almost two decades, says the Aged Care Association (ACA).

The first part of a full review of aged care services and funding, the report’s findings are consistent with the findings of the 2000 PWC report, the 2010 Grant Thornton report, 2014 Grant Thornton report the 2019 EY report, several Ansell Strategic reports, and the Aged Care Association’s own research.

ACA chair, Simon O’Dowd says, “Governments of the past 15 years have ignored the evidence and neglected the aged care sector. We are now at a point where over half of all aged care facilities are making a loss.”

“Unless there is a significant change of strategy and focus to support and fund the sector now, we will see thousands of New Zealanders unable to get the care they need within a decade. As the report notes, there is already an average waiting time of six months for people with dementia to get the care they need, and the country will be short 12,000 aged care beds within a decade.”

“The second part of the aged care service and funding review is critical. We are at a tipping point. If we don’t get this right, the consequences will be dire for the entire health system.”

“There are always going to be people who need round-the-clock care. We need to make sure that residential aged care is always available, and that includes hospital-level care, dementia care, care for young people with disabilities, and palliative care. If that care is not able to be provided in the aged care sector, it will be provided in hospitals; limiting the care available for others.”

“It is our expectation that the Association will be working closely with the Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora review team to develop and implement solutions for the aged care sector that will enable us to provide quality care for New Zealand’s seniors, now and into the future,” O’Dowd says.

Aged Care Commissioner’s report raises concerns over shortage of aged residential care beds

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Yesterday’s report by the Aged Care Commissioner highlights worsening health outcomes for older people, who are facing prolonged and unnecessary hospital stays as they wait for aged residential care beds to become available. The report also notes the increasing shortage of beds in aged residential care, especially at the highest levels of care.

Aged Care Association chair, Simon O’Dowd says, “This report is timely as we await the report on the Te Whatu Ora aged care service and funding review.”

“Despite decades of advocacy for funding that supports the actual costs of providing aged residential care, successive governments have chosen to underfund this vital part of the health sector.”

“We are now in a position where the sector is unable to meet the increasing demand for aged residential care, which effects every other part of the health system.”

“When aged care beds are scarce, healthcare for older New Zealanders is provided by public hospitals at more than three times the cost. We must ensure a steady supply of aged care beds and smooth transitions from hospitals to aged care to reduce the pressure on older New Zealanders and public hospitals,” O Dowd says.

“It is affirming to hear the same messages about aged care coming from all directions. We urge the government to action the Commissioner’s recommendations, so that all older New Zealanders can access aged care when and where they need it.”

Te Whatu Ora review delays pay equity for care and support workers

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Te Whatu Ora is delaying the urgent pay equity claim for care and support workers by insisting on an extra ad hoc review. The last-minute demand is an excuse to interrupt the process and reduce the pay for our sector’s most vulnerable workers.

Te Whatu Ora is seeking to overturn the findings made by investigations into gender-based undervaluation, under the Equal Pay Act.

The peak bodies that represent the employers in the claim, the Home and Community Health Association, Aged Care Association, New Zealand Disability Support Network and Atamira Platform are urging Te Whatu Ora to stop wasting time with its review and trust the work that has been done using methods that have been developed over several years by the Public Service Commission.

“Unions and employers have been working since 1 July 2022 to see pay equity for 65,000 workers, including people working in aged residential care, disability support, home and community support and mental health and addictions,” explains Aged Care Association CE Katherine Rich.

“Not liking the result of a pay equity process is not a reason to stop the process. It seems to us that Te Whatu Ora, despite all the evidence to the contrary, just don’t want to believe how underpaid the care and support workforce is,” says Home and Community Health Association CE Carmela Petagna, “They are turning their back on support workers and the hundreds of thousands of people they care for.”

CE of Atamira Platform Trust Memo Musa says, “All the parties to the pay equity claim are ready to negotiate the details of how to address the pay gaps. It is so disappointing that Te Whatu Ora is holding up the process and allowing this group of workers to fall further and further behind in terms of fair pay.”

“Pay equity is what these workers deserve. We are seeking an urgent commitment from government to honour the process it worked so hard to set up, to disallow Te Whatu Ora’s attempts to overturn the results, and to resource the roll out of pay equity to the whole care and support workforce,” says Kia Tu Tahi Tatou NZDSN CE Peter Reynolds.

Crashing hospital beds highlight the domino effect of the aged care crisis

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The Aged Care Association has today launched a multiplatform campaign to urge the government to fix the aged care crisis. ‘The Domino Effect’ campaign features aged care beds crashing down like dominos on everyday Kiwis, to highlight the impact that chronic underfunding of the aged residential care sector has on all New Zealanders.

ACA interim chief executive Katherine Rich believes it is crucial that Kiwis take note, because the aged care crisis affects us all. For those working in the sector and families who have loved ones requiring residential aged care, the worsening issues come as no surprise, however many New Zealanders will be unaware of how the crisis affects the health system and will impact them. The Domino Effect campaign helps to join the dots and raise awareness.

“Almost daily we are hearing stories regarding long wait times in Emergency Departments, elective surgery wait times growing and wards overflowing with patients. This is all linked to aged care. Funding the aged care sector properly would improve the whole health system,” says Rich.

Aged care has been chronically underfunded by successive governments, resulting in a lack of capital investment in facilities. This comes as the sector grapples with rising costs and an acute shortage of 1200 registered nurses. Many providers have had no option but to close beds, with a number closing their doors for good. In the past year, over 1000 beds have closed permanently and 1200 closed temporarily due to staff shortages. More closures are expected to follow.

“When beds and rest homes close, seniors stay in hospital longer as they have nowhere to go when discharged, and as a consequence are blocking beds for other patients,” said Rich. This situation will worsen as the number of older New Zealanders increases. By 2030, we will need 13,200 more beds. If current trends continue, we will have nowhere near that number.”

The Domino Effect campaign also shines a light on the families who are having to step in and provide care for their older parents, as well as their own children, while also juggling work commitments. It also highlights the ongoing impact on our health workers who bear the brunt of the overwhelmed and underfunded system.

“It makes it very challenging to attract and retain staff and we fear these valued health professionals will move overseas where conditions and pay are far better,” says Rich.

The Aged Care Association is asking New Zealanders to support the Domino Effect campaign and spread the word via social media to spur the Government into action.

“We know what is needed. With sustainable funding, we can provide solutions that will enable the aged care sector to support the health system, not overload it. The evidence supports this, and it makes good economic sense. We need the decision makers to make it a reality.”

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Aged Care Association welcomes National’s health workforce policy

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The Aged Care Association (ACA) welcomes National’s health workforce policy.

ACA chief executive Simon Wallace says the policy is well targeted and will support the aged care sector to recruit the nurses it desperately needs.

Simon Wallace says, “The sector is short of 1,200 nurses, almost a quarter of its nursing workforce, and that has led to the closure of 1,260 care beds over the past year. Nurses are the bedrock of the aged care sector, without them older New Zealanders will not get the care they need, when they need it.”

“We are pleased that National’s health spokesperson, Dr Shane Reti has taken the time to understand the issues and has developed policy that will allow facility managers to fill vacancies.”

“Financial incentives are needed to encourage more New Zealanders to train as nurses and this policy does exactly that. It will allow the people who wish to begin a nursing career to undertake their studies without the financial barriers.”

“The immigration component of today’s announcement is also welcome. Giving the families of migrant nurses’ work and study rights is a huge boost for these workers, they can now settle in New Zealand right away,” Simon Wallace says.

“These policies are a big step in the right direction for the aged care workforce. We encourage all political parties to prioritise aged care in their election manifestos – not only staffing but funding and the provision of care.”

Pay parity for aged care nurses ‘promised but not delivered’

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Despite the former Minister of Health’s promise of pay parity for aged care nurses, what has been paid is less than half of what’s required.

Aged Care Association deputy chair, Warick Dunn says, “We are pleased that some money is now available for our nurses. They deserve every cent, and more. The aged residential care sector is nurse-led and, as a nation, we couldn’t care for older New Zealanders without them.”

“It is a blow to discover that the government has not honoured its promise.”

Aged care nurses are being paid up to $20,000 less than nurses who are employed by Te Whatu Ora in public hospitals, and that is the leading cause of nurse shortages and subsequent bed closures. More than 1,200 aged care beds have closed in the last year due to this severe shortage of registered nurses.

“This massive pay disparity was caused by government underfunding in the first place. The least it should do is fix it,” says Dunn.

“The funding that has been allocated will not stop the flow of aged care nurses to higher paying jobs in public hospitals, and it will not stop disruptions in the health care sector.”

“It’s traumatic for older New Zealanders who are displaced from closed carehomes or not able to enter care. Many end up in public hospitals, unable to be discharged until an aged care bed becomes available, which causes flow on effects to the entire system.”

Warick Dunn says, “This funding does not provide equity of access to health care for vulnerable older New Zealanders. The association is calling on the government to create the thriving and sustainable health care system it says it wants by funding pay parity.”

Aged residential care providers thrilled with Green List news

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The Aged Care Association is thrilled to hear that nurses are to be added to the immigration “Green List” fast track, able to apply for residency immediately, including those already in New Zealand.

Association chief executive Simon Wallace says, “This announcement is welcome news for aged care residents, their families, overworked staff and facility owners. At last we can attract the nurses we need to provide the care older New Zealanders need.”

“And it’s welcome news, too, for the migrant nurses who choose to make New Zealand their home. Immediate residency will give them the security they need to settle here.”

“We are very pleased that the government has listened and acted on what was becoming a very serious situation. Today the aged care sector just took another step back from the brink.”

“The Association and its members will take time to celebrate but we won’t be resting on our laurels. Next to sort out is improved investment to support home-grown nursing,” Wallace says.


Funding for aged care nurse pay parity a huge win for sector

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Funding to bring aged care nurses’ pay up to the level of public hospital nurses is a huge boost for the sector and is being celebrated by the Aged Care Association.

At the NZ Aged Care Association conference in late 2020, Minister Little made a commitment to deliver pay parity for aged care nurses.

“We are so pleased the Government has made good on the promise”, says Association chief executive, Simon Wallace.

“Achieving pay parity with Te Whatu Ora hospital nurses means the aged residential care sector will now be on a level playing field to attract and retain registered nurses.

“The Aged Care Association is looking forward to working with the Ministry of Health, Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora to make sure the plan achieves its intended purpose. We know it will be complex, as there are over 650 aged residential care facilities in New Zealand.

“While this funding boost is not a silver bullet, it will go a long way to resolving the issues in the aged residential care sector, says Wallace.

“The Government will need to put in place a plan to maintain pay parity in future.”